Janis Galloway
Marie Melton
Angela Bailey

Iris Dowling
WMS stands for Woman's Missionary Society of the Southern Methodist Church. As our Logo indicates, we focus on four (4) main topics: Study, Prayer, Missions, and Youth. We strive to include each topic in our regular monthly meetings.
Each year we choose a study book. This year we are studying Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. We study and discuss each lesson at our monthly meeting.
We have prayer time, during which we remember our missionaries; Both home and foreign, the sick, the lost, our country, our church and more.
An update is given each month on the latest information available on home and foreign missions. Special needs are prayed for, and Special Projects are supported through our prayers and giving.
We support our Youth through Sunday School, Camps, VBS, and other activities. Also supported are Boys Farm, Southern Methodist College, SIM, Teen Missions International, and other needs as they may arise.
Ladies, you are invited to join us for our regularly scheduled meeting on the first Tuesday night of each month. Typically, we meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 pm. Call for details (843)–393–6589.